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Swapping cosy beds for a car park floor in aid of Roundabout

Members of our team will be braving a cold November night in Meadowhall car park, as part of Roundabout’s 10th annual Sleep Out event, to raise money towards preventing youth homelessness.

Tony Shaw, Richard Grafton, Sarah Adams, Joel Holmes, Leroy Bello and Natalie Webb will be taking on the challenge on Friday 18th November, which will see them set up camp and face the winter elements for the night.

Joel Holmes, Richard Grafton, Tony Shaw, Sarah Adams and Leroy Bello will be joined by Natalie Webb for the Sleep Out challenge
Craig Finn, Tony Shaw, Richard Grafton and Bradley Longford completed the challenge last year

An event like this will never replicate the true experience of homelessness, but it can help make a real difference through valuable donations. The challenge also provides an opportunity to hear first-hand from a number of people who have benefitted from Roundabout's important work.

Donations can be made by clicking here, these will go towards Roundabout’s vital work, making sure that no young person in South Yorkshire has to experience homelessness.

Sarah said: “I am not looking forward to it one bit to be honest. But I want to be taken out of my comfort zone, quite literally, and help support the amazing work the Roundabout charity do in supporting homeless young people in South Yorkshire.”

Joel added: “The real challenge for the others will be having to listen to me moaning about how cold I am, but I am hoping for at least a few hours sleep so I can watch Sheffield Wednesday the following day without nodding off. Speaking to people who have done the Sleepout previously, it is clearly a brilliant event for a great cause, so I am proud to be supporting in any small way.”

Roundabout is South Yorkshire’s local youth housing charity providing shelter, support and life skills to young people aged 16-25 who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

To find out more about Roundabout’s work, click here.